Tools Needed to Start Your Podcast

What tools do I need to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast can be done using simple tools you already have. It's worth it, however, to make sure you have the right equipment to get the best quality audio as possible.

The things you'll need to start a podcast are:

1. Equipment
2. Audio Editing software
3. Subscription to podcast platform
4. Intro/outro music (suggested, but not mandatory)
5. Setup/Management of the podcast


One of the most important (and toughest) choice you'll make when starting a podcast is choosing the right equipment. Ask a handful of podcasters what equipment they use, and you'll likely get a different answer from each one. It really boils down to preference, quality, and budget. 

I've known podcasters who got a strong start by simply recording on their phone. The sound quality was decent, and their message was launched. iPhone users usually have Garage Band already installed on their phone for audio recording and editing. Android users...
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