LinkedIn for Business - Why it's Important

More professional and business owners are on LinkedIn than any other social media profile. In fact, in 2020 alone, there were over 740 million active users with more than 55 million companies represented. 

This is huge for professionals. This is a platform solely designed to connect business services, products, and clients.

If you have a small, medium, or large company, having a presence on LinkedIn and a professional page is a must. 

7 Aspects of a Business LinkedIn Page

There are seven recommendations for creating a business page.

  1. A Branded Banner and Professional Image
  2. A Compelling "About Us" Section
  3. Key Information 
  4. Showcase Pages
  5. A Career Page
  6. Endorsements - Given & Collected
  7. Competition

Keep your company brand true in all your posts and pages. If you don't have branded images, hiring a marketing company can create a brand for you.

A professional image of the business owner or CEO should be displayed. Make sure the image is up-to-date and the right size and format. A professional photographer will be able to assist you in this area as well.

The "About Us" should cover these basic questions:

  • Who are you?
  • Where are you based?
  • What do you offer?
  • What are your values?
  • What does your brand stand for?
  • How can people contact you or learn more?

Key Fields Attract Attention

The key fields include more detailed information such as your URL, Address, Headquarters, (is your company global, regional, or community-oriented?), Industry, and Company size.

This information helps those looking better understand how you can not only connect with them but what needs you may be able to meet. 

Showcase your Company

A company showcase page demonstrates a comprehensive view of your business from day-to-day routines and overall core values. These should give a few examples of specific aspects of your products, charitable outreaches, events, and conferences.

These pages as well as your main feed require daily maintenance and upkeep. The more posts that are made, the more visible your business becomes. 

This is a great way to target your audience with custom feeds of information tailored to your field of expertise.

Career Pages Attract Qualified Candidates

Career pages are becoming increasingly more popular with job seekers than any other platform. Your business will be more likely to find qualified job candidates with a career page on Linkedin than with a general search platform. 

A career page has many features such as a virtual "meet the team", a collection of employee testimonials, and recruitment analytics.

Endorsements Funnel Sales

With LinkedIn's platform, you can generate endorsements for the other types of businesses your company collaborates with. In turn, other businesses and professionals can give you endorsements. This is much like reviews on other sites.

There is nothing more powerful than word of mouth. From employees, associates, to clients and customers... this is one of the best forms of advertising as well as accountability. 

Competition and Accountability 

Keeping an eye on the competition has never been easier with LinkedIn's growing lists of statistics. For B2B buyers, more than 70 percent prefer to work with professionals who have recommendations from other professionals.

LinkedIn Provides a Voice for Clients and Customers

If your clients and customers feel that they have a voice and are heard, they are more likely to return, refer, and promote you.

Essentially, a satisfied customer is your best walking billboard.

Linkedin has created a much better platform for busy people to connect. It's broken down many barriers and open a line of communication that provides everything you need to grow and adapt to today's fast-paced changing market.

Business is being Initiated and Completed on LinkedIn

Don't miss out on the digital upward trend of growing your business online. Digital trends with marketing and connecting will only grow in the future. 

If you are intimidated by creating a LinkedIn Business account, we can help you.

Sign up for our upcoming training, LINKEDIN TRAINING FOR BUSINESS OWNERS. 

 It is where business leaders network, don't miss out!


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