LinkedIn for Business - Why it's Important

More professional and business owners are on LinkedIn than any other social media profile. In fact, in 2020 alone, there were over 740 million active users with more than 55 million companies represented. 

This is huge for professionals. This is a platform solely designed to connect business services, products, and clients.

If you have a small, medium, or large company, having a presence on LinkedIn and a professional page is a must. 

7 Aspects of a Business LinkedIn Page

There are seven recommendations for creating a business page.

  1. A Branded Banner and Professional Image
  2. A Compelling "About Us" Section
  3. Key Information 
  4. Showcase Pages
  5. A Career Page
  6. Endorsements - Given & Collected
  7. Competition

Keep your company brand true in all your posts and pages. If you don't have branded images, hiring a marketing company can create a brand for you.

A professional image of the business owner or CEO should be displayed. Make sure the image is up-to-date and the right size and...

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