What's Next for Business Owners?

Covid-19 has forced the world to go home and go digital. A paradigm shift has occurred in which we are all navigating the best way we know how.

The businesses that have made a pivot or digital native businesses have weathered the Covid-19 storm and are ahead of the curve. Those that were first to market with needed products and services related to Covid-19 are seeing a revenue returns like no other time in history.

I spoke to a entrepreneur in Birmingham yesterday who has worked with several successful startup. He was working on a million dollar second round in the spring when the investor pulled out of the deal. He has used his knowledge of the start up world to pivot to onsite Covid-19 testing technology. He is set to be first to market on this technology and make millions. 

What about the rest of us? What is the next step?

We have weathered the worst of Covid-19 and we are dealing with the aftermath and a divide world and divisive culture.

It is time to reassess...

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