What Is a Digital Marketing Plan for 2021

What is a Digital Marketing Plan?

Last week we answered the question of what a digital marketing strategy is with the seven pillars of 2021.

The seven pillars we touched on included identifying who you are. A business needs a specific, clear, and concise definition. If you are all over the place and offer a multitude of services, you may not realize that you are giving the impression that you're not very good at one or two things, but ok at many. 

Focusing on a couple of services rather than a broad range gives prospective clients or customers the confidence that you offer expertise. To read what the other six pillars are, we recommend going back and revisiting the 7 Pillars of a Digital Marketing Strategy, you may want to familiarize yourself with them as you begin to formulate your marketing plan. 

What is the difference between a digital marketing strategy and a plan? 

We are glad you asked!

digital marketing strategy is a plan...

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