What Has Changed in the Marketing Industry?

How has marketing changed?

In the last eighteen months, marketing has gone through quite an evolution. But then again, isn't it always changing?

Yes, marketing is always evolving in some way, but since the pandemic, marketing your products and services to your target audience has gotten more and more tricky.

It's also gotten more personal.

Sarah Stahl goes into fascinating detail about this in episode #6 of So, What Has Changed?, the Mitzi Jane Media Podcast.

Sarah's message to marketers is simple: Stop selling, and start storytelling.

People have made it pretty clear that they're tired of companies bombarding them to buy, buy, buy. The trust between business and consumers begins to crumble. Customers become tired of constant advertising. We see this in TV, with streaming services that eliminate commercials. We see this in electronic media sources, where you can purchase ad-free versions of apps, games, music, and videos. 

People don't want to hear your sales pitch.


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Writing a Communication Plan for Reopening

The Covid-19 crisis has shut down many companies around the world permanently and temporarily. Over the next months, many small businesses will be reopening to a totally different market climate. How a small business chooses to reopen will greatly matter to their brand image, their employee and customer's safety and the future of the company.

Although essential businesses have remained open, they have been required to do business very differently to protect their employees, vendors, and customers. 

As we seek to reopen our business, we have examples of how essential businesses have been effective at communicating a paradigm shift in how they deliver their products and services to guide us.

Before you create your communication plans, please keep in mind that people are experiencing and responding to this crisis in unique ways. Others may be experiencing this very differently than you are. Your guiding factors in how to respond and communicate should not only be based on your...

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