What Has Changed in the Marketing Industry?

How has marketing changed?

In the last eighteen months, marketing has gone through quite an evolution. But then again, isn't it always changing?

Yes, marketing is always evolving in some way, but since the pandemic, marketing your products and services to your target audience has gotten more and more tricky.

It's also gotten more personal.

Sarah Stahl goes into fascinating detail about this in episode #6 of So, What Has Changed?, the Mitzi Jane Media Podcast.

Sarah's message to marketers is simple: Stop selling, and start storytelling.

People have made it pretty clear that they're tired of companies bombarding them to buy, buy, buy. The trust between business and consumers begins to crumble. Customers become tired of constant advertising. We see this in TV, with streaming services that eliminate commercials. We see this in electronic media sources, where you can purchase ad-free versions of apps, games, music, and videos. 

People don't want to hear your sales pitch.


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What Has Changed in the Hospitality Industry?

How has the hospitality industry changed?

In the latest episode of So, What Has Changed?, the new Mitzi Jane Media podcast, Tynette Lynch, the newly appointed Director of Hospitality and Tourism for the city of Hoover, tells us a few interesting and unexpected things about how the hospitality industry has changed. 



Tynette has over 30 years experience in the hotel management industry. In all her experience, however, the shifts she's witnessed have been both a sad and pleasant surprise.

The pandemic lockdown has created a ripple effect on America's economy and local businesses, but it also created positive changes at outdoor venues such as Aldridge Gardens. Tynette was thrilled to notice that the gorgeous gardens saw an explosion in the number of visitors. Their average number of visitors went from 85,000 - 90,000 per year to a whopping 150,000 per year. It made the perfect place for people to bring their families and feed their souls...

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So, What Has Changed? Introducing the new Mitzi Jane Media Podcast

So, What Has Changed?

It was a pandemic that created a paradigm shift that rocked our world. The repercussions, however, varied for each person and each business. Some were forced to close their doors. Some discovered new ways to pivot. Some thrived and grew. In each scenario, something drastic changed, and with each change, we have something to learn.

"So, What Has Changed?" is both the theme question and the title for the brand new podcast by Mitzi Jane Media, a podcast that explores local perspectives on a global shift.

Every ripple matters.

Every life impact has value.

We're all in this together, so let's talk. Let's learn from each other and help each other grow. Let's connect and exchange stories. No two are the same, and every one of them has a purpose.

"... podcasting has experienced explosive growth ..."

"Entrepreneurship tends to flourish during downturns ..."

"... it forced so many people to change their day-to-day routines and encouraged them to try new things ... "


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Strategic Content Marketing - What Is It, and Do I Need It?

What is strategic content marketing, anyway? Do I even need it?

If this is a question you've asked yourself at any point in your marketing journey, you're asking a very important one. If you've spent any time in marketing circles of any kind, you'll hear the term "content marketing" thrown about pretty regularly. What is it, anyway? Isn't it simply posting on social media and engaging with commenters?

That's part of it, but there are other important elements to keep in mind to prevent content marketing from being a giant time-vacuum yielding little result.

What is content marketing?

First of all, content marketing takes many different forms: podcasting, videos, blog posts, social media, and more. Whatever content you produce for readers/listeners to consume needs to be quality, helpful, and consistent information. In order to use this sales tool well, you'll need to think about the long run, and plan accordingly. You are an expert in your field, and there are many things that others...

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8 Ways to Use a Podcast to Grow Your Business

There are many ways to use a podcast to grow your business.

A podcast can contribute to your business growth tremendously. Here are eight specific ways you can use your podcast to your business advantage.

1. Establish Trust as an Expert in Your Field

Talk about what you know, and speak confidently about it. Once your listeners realize they can bank on the solid information you're providing them, they'll trust you. People buy from the companies they trust. Make sure to keep your podcast relevant to your brand, and listeners will be able to easily associate the quality content with the quality of your brand.

2. Keep Your Content Relevant. 

Want to drive traffic to your podcast, which essentially drives traffic to your brand? Talk about things that are relevant to your business, your listeners' needs, and current events. Tie the information to what's going on in the world right now, and you'll draw more listeners. By keeping the content fresh, you build a relationship...

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Tools Needed to Start Your Podcast

What tools do I need to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast can be done using simple tools you already have. It's worth it, however, to make sure you have the right equipment to get the best quality audio as possible.

The things you'll need to start a podcast are:

1. Equipment
2. Audio Editing software
3. Subscription to podcast platform
4. Intro/outro music (suggested, but not mandatory)
5. Setup/Management of the podcast


One of the most important (and toughest) choice you'll make when starting a podcast is choosing the right equipment. Ask a handful of podcasters what equipment they use, and you'll likely get a different answer from each one. It really boils down to preference, quality, and budget. 

I've known podcasters who got a strong start by simply recording on their phone. The sound quality was decent, and their message was launched. iPhone users usually have Garage Band already installed on their phone for audio recording and editing. Android users...
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Why Do I Need a Podcast for My Business?

 Why do I need a podcast for my business?

Starting a podcast for your business can be a powerful marketing tool that allows you to broaden your reach and make connections with people by providing them with helpful information.

It seems like everyone is talking about a podcast they’ve listened to recently, and how it positively impacted their thinking. Podcasts are a rapidly growing industry, and for good reason. Podcasts contain valuable information that can hook your audience and allow them to view your brand in a fresh, new light. If you’ve wondered whether or not you should start your own podcast, here are six reasons why launching a podcast would greatly benefit your business.

Increase brand awareness.

When your target audience finds value in your podcast, you are able to reach them and connect with them in an authentic, organic way. You are given a chance to offer enjoyable and helpful information as an expert in your field, and the listener will come back...

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